

Welcome to my how-to website for ghost hunting enthusiasts.

THIS SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Here’s more of the story: Hollow Hill is Back, But…

In a nutshell, Google de-indexed this entire website. They’re claiming that it has “duplicate content.”

So, for now, this is a smaller site (and parts of it will look ugly) while I decide what to do about this. I mean, really, most (certainly not all) people use Google, and if this site isn’t indexed on it, that’s a problem.


I’m Fiona Broome. For over 30 years, I’ve researched ghostly sites with rich, historical connections. My focus is on the personal experience at those sites – the history and ambience – rather than proving whether the location is actually haunted by ghostly entities.

This site is designed to help you find and explore eerie sites similar to those seen on Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Nation, Most Haunted (UK), Portals to Hell, and so on.

However… if you’re looking for fiction or hype, this website may disappoint you.

On the “true believer v. skeptic” scale, I lean more towards skepticism. Oh, I believe in ghostly and spiritual phenomena, but I also believe that 80% of “haunted” sites can be explained with science, especially infrasound. As a researcher, those locations don’t interest me.

Instead, I’m looking for a unique sense of connection with events of the past, and the people who lived in those eras.  Whether that’s due to a unique ambience, a rich physical environment, ghostly residual energy, or actual “paranormal” activity, my focus is on the personal experience.

I want it to be authentic.

I also want it to be something others can encounter when they visit that same site.

Yes, I sometimes use ghost hunting equipment to confirm that something unexplained is happening.

(Ghost hunting equipment can also be used to debunk a supposedly haunted site. For example, you can use dowsing rods to trace the path of underground streams and water pipes that might contribute to infrasound. Likewise, EMF detectors can help you find metal with magnetic properties that can disorient sensitive researchers.)

Most, this website is for people like me who value moments of feeling connected with rich, historical events, and with related personalities from the past.

At this website, you’ll learn…

    • how to start ghost hunting
    • where you can find ghostly phenomena nearby, and
    • some must-see haunts for your next vacation or holiday


Why Ghost Hunting – Hollow Hill

Why do people go ghost hunting? Are they “hunting” ghosts like people hunt animals…?In this video, Fiona Broome explains that ghost hunters are hunting for…

(You’ll find more ghost-related videos at my YouTube channel: How to Find Ghosts.)

If you’re new to ghost hunting, this article might help you find some local haunts to explore: How to Find Local Ghosts.

And, if you’re looking for a fun, ghost-filled weekend, holiday, or vacation, check these ideas:

NOTE: The only genuine recordings of my voice are on this website, Ghosts101.com, FionaBroome.com, MandelaEffect.com, and my YouTube channel. Any other recordings are fake, using AI clones that emerged in 2023. Please report their misuse if you hear any.
*This website started in the late 1990s as “Hollow Hill,” referencing Irish faerie lore. I added a few ghost-related articles, and… Well, their popularity led to this becoming a ghost-related website.