Why Hunt Ghosts?

Why do people hunt ghosts?

Well, it’s not like traditional hunting. What we’re “hunting” for is evidence of ghosts, to understand what they are and why they’re here. We don’t intend to harm them.

This video explains more…


Here is the text of that video:

Ghost hunting is a deeply personal adventure. It’s about meaning and survival.

Ghost hunting affirms that our lives mean something. It’s proof that death is not a final door, irrevocably slammed shut.

As ghost hunters, we explore a history far beyond mere names and dates on a headstone. We discover the rich emotions and experiences that connect past, present, and future.

Of course, it’s not all serious.

Sometimes, we find a thread and pull it, just to see where it leads.

Maybe it takes us somewhere. Maybe it doesn’t.

Either way, it’s fun and it can be fascinating.

To be part of the ghost hunting adventure, we must increase our awareness and trust our senses.

We leave the comfort and safety of being an observer.

We immerse ourselves in the experience.

This site isn’t just about ghost hunting. It’s about the adventure of encountering “ghosts,” and ways to make paranormal research more interesting, with more satisfying results.

Want to start ghost hunting RIGHT NOW…?

Read this book. If you’re anywhere near a cemetery, that may be the best place to find ghosts… perhaps LOTS of them.

Ghost Hunting in Haunted Cemeteries - Quick-Start Guide for BeginnersGHOST HUNTING IN HAUNTED CEMETERIES – A Quick-Start Guide for Beginners

Find ghosts tonight! Learn how to find the most frightening, haunted graves in a cemetery near you.


– HOW to find a haunted cemetery near you.
– WHAT to look for (AND look out for).
– HOW to organize for the fastest (and scariest) results in ANY haunted cemetery.
– WHEN to arrive at the site, and how to avoid real-life dangers
– WHERE you’ll find the scariest ghosts… and sometimes malicious spirits.
– How long to stay… and WHEN TO LEAVE AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN!.

YOU CAN START TONIGHT. Read this book. It’s short but you’ll learn the basics.

And then, go out and find real ghosts!

Available as an eBook at Amazon and other booksellers.

(This is the updated edition of “A Beginner’s Guide to Ghost Hunting in Haunted Cemeteries.”)