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When you’re ghost hunting, dowsing rods can be very useful, especially at outdoor sites such as haunted cemeteries and battlefields. Many ghost hunters consider them essential ghost hunting equipment.
With simple, homemade dowsing rods, you can identify potentially “hot” (very active, haunted) areas.
Rods like these can also help you locate areas with false anomalies, by following energy lines the rods indicate. Those lines might actually be underground streams, water pipes, or buried electrical cables. (That’s especially true if the line is fairly straight and continues at least a dozen feet.)
Here’s my video – originally at (currently in redesign) – showing how to get the most from your dowsing rods.
How to Find Ghosts with Homemade Dowsing Rods
You CAN use homemade (or purchased) dowsing rods to find ghosts. Watch this 10-minute video to get started. Avoid mistakes with homemade, low-tech, and free ghost hunting equipment. (Also, to make your own, homemade dowsing rods in 5 minutes or less, see ) For more about ghost hunting and haunted places, visit Fiona’s how-to website,
If you don’t already own dowsing rods, you can find many different styles for around U.S. $20 at I like the ones with rounded ends so, in the dark, you won’t accidentally jab someone. Here’s one reasonably priced set, similar to the ones I own: 99.9% Copper Dowsing Rods.
Or, perhaps even better, you can make your own dowsing rods at home. They’re fast and easy, and can even be free. All you’ll need are a couple of wire coat hangers and some tin snips (heavy wire cutters).
These rods can be a great addition to your ghost hunting gear. (I often bring a few extra sets to ghost hunting events, so other researchers can try using them… and keep them, if they like.)
Also see my how-to video and instructions at How to Make Your Own Dowsing Rods.