Pendulums – How to Use Them for Ghost Hunting

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This article is strictly for professional ghost hunters. If you haven’t researched at 20+ haunted sites, do NOT experiment with pendulums, or any divinatory tools.

What is a pendulum?

In popular use, a pendulum usually refers to any weighted object that can swing back and forth.

You’ve probably seen pendulums (or pendula) on old clocks.  The pendulum is the round thing below the face of the clock, and the pendulum swings back and forth, rhythmically, keeping time.

If you pause the pendulum, the clock stops working.

In ghost hunting, a pendulum is usually a small, heavy object – like a stone, a crystal, or even a piece of metal – suspended from a cord, ribbon, or chain.

A necklace – one you regularly wear – can be ideal for this. (After all, when you’re investigating a haunted site, it’s smart to carry only the most essential, dedicated ghost hunting equipment.  A necklace is one less item to pack in your ghost research kit.)

Some pendulums are highly decorative.  Some of them have been blessed.  Each one is unique and will respond differently.

A person – perhaps a psychic or a medium – holds the cord, ribbon, or chain so the heavy object can swing freely.  Then, that person asks a question.

Or someone else in the room may ask the question. Sometimes this works. Sometimes it doesn’t.

The movement of the pendulum determines the answer.

How to Use a Pendulum

The end of the string is held between the forefinger and thumb so that the object can swing freely.  You can pinch the cord or chain at the very top, with your hand at an angle so your fingers are out of the way.

Or, you can drape the cord or chain over the middle of your index finger, and keep it from slipping by applying gentle pressure from your thumb onto the cord or chain, against your finger.


Fiona Broome's adviceIf you’d just like to experiment with this, you can make your own pendulum by tying any heavy bead or small pendant to a string or cord.  The string should be about ten inches long.

You should be able to decide if pendulums work for you (they won’t work well for everyone) and if you like them.

The Best Way to Use a Pendulum

Some people are naturally gifted at pendulum use.

That seems to have no connection with whether they’re believers or skeptics.

When trying to communicate with a ghost, they just hold the pendulum at the top of the chain (or cord, or ribbon) and wait for the weighted end – the fob or bob or “weight-stone” – to move.

They’re waiting for something external to move it.

If the bob moves, great. If it doesn’t, maybe the site isn’t haunted. Or the ghost (or ghosts) have nothing to say.

Either way, the person holding the pendulum remains objective and somewhat mentally detached. To them, it’s like asking any stranger a question: Maybe the stranger replies. Maybe they don’t.

But… Don’t Ask Spirits to Talk “Through You”

Sometimes, a person might use a pendulum, but they internalize the energy.

That is, they ask the spirit to speak through them.

(For example, in a haunted setting, the person may ask the ghost to use the investigator’s hand to channel the energy to the pendulum.)

That’s not a good idea. In fact, it can be downright dangerous. (Basically, you’re asking for a spirit – good or evil – to take possession of your body. This can be just as risky as using a Ouija board.)

THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you can’t remain completely separate – mentally, spiritually, and emotionally – from the pendulum you’re using, stop immediately. 

Never allow outside energy to be channeled through your body to the pendulum.   (And, if you can’t tell the difference, don’t use a pendulum.  The risks are too great.)

If you decide that a pendulum is right for you, I recommend professionally crafted pendulums.  You’re likely to get better results.

However, try a homemade pendulum or two, before investing in a professional-grade pendulum.

Baseline Every Time

If you’re using a pendulum regularly – especially in haunted locations – start with some baseline readings.

It’s important to verify these every time you use the pendulum.

First, hold the pendulum entirely still.  (It’s okay to steady it with your other hand, and then release it.)

Then ask a question with a yes or no answer that you already know.

Note the way that the pendulum swings in response.  It may swing from side to side or from front to back.  Or, it may swing in a clockwise or counter-clockwise manner.

Now, ask another question with a different yes or no answer, that you already know. Compare the results.

Repeat this several times until a clear pattern is established.  (If no pattern emerges, you may need to use other divinatory tools.  Pendulums don’t work for everyone, and it has no bearing on the person’s psychic abilities.)

What to Ask in Haunted Places

In haunted sites, you can start by asking, “Is this room (or battlefield, or cemetery) haunted?” or a similar question.

However, if the ghosts think they’re still alive – or otherwise rejects the “haunted” idea – you may need to start with a question like, “Is a stranger present?” (Whether the ghost thinks you’re the “stranger” or they are, the answer should be yes.)

Then you can ask how many spirits are present, or how old the ghost his, and so on.

The more active the pendulum movement, the stronger the spiritual energy is at that site.

Even in the hands of a skeptic, I’ve seen a pendulum swing so wildly, the weight snapped off a new chain and flew across the room.

In other words, pendulums can be very powerful.

Free Pendulum Charts

I’ve created two different charts for use with your pendulum.  Visit my author website,, and go to my Free Downloads page.

Scroll down to the Misc Printable Charts section. Download the pendulum charts and print them. (They’re free PDFs.)

To use either chart, hold the string so that the tip of the pendulum is about two inches above the center “dot” at the bottom of the half-circle.  Then, ask your question.

One chart is designed for simple, yes/no questions.  You can draw this on a sheet of paper, and use it yourself.  The pendulum should favor one direction/answer more than any other.  If it doesn’t rephrase your question, or take a break and return to this later.

Pendulum chart - yes or noThe next kind of chart can be used to ask anything with numbers, such as the ghosts age when he or she left physical form. (Or, if the ghost believes that he or she is still alive, ask what year it is now.)

Pendulum Chart 2 - numbers - illustration

You can create your own charts on paper, providing many other kinds of answers, too.  They could include letters of the alphabet, people’s names, places, or things specific to the life of the ghost you’re contacting.

When the Pendulum Swings the Wrong Way

No matter which chart you use, if the pendulum swings towards you, off the chart, try rephrasing your question.  Or, the ghost may want you to answer the question for yourself, first, and then have spirit confirm it with a yes or a no.

If you are adept with a pendulum, I recommend professional pendulums designed for ghost hunters and psychic mediums, such as those from Sean Paradis. (I’m not sure he’s still making pendulums, but his are still among the ones I trust the most.)

Homemade Pendulums or Purchased Pendulums?

If you’re shopping for a pendulum, try it in the store. See how it works for you.

Compare each with your homemade pendulum(s).

If you did just as well (or better) with your own, keep using it. There’s no reason to buy one, unless it seems more powerful or attractive.

I own several pendulums, and choose them intuitively for the location and the energy at it.

Sometimes, I like the conductivity of a copper pendulum. (Some people believe the metal helps spirits make contact with the pendulum.)

Other spirits seem attracted to pretty colors. So, a colorful pendulum with an “ooh, shiny!” attraction might get better results.

Whichever pendulum you use, it should be one that seems attractive to you, too.

You Can Ghost Hunt Without Tools

Some people achieve remarkable results with pendulums.

Others don’t.

Some have a knack for recording EVP, but never get great ghost photos. And vice versa.

It’s not a measure of how good you are at ghost hunting or communicating with spirits.

It’s more like singing or running… different people have different talents.  Someone who can play the violin may be perfectly awful at the piano.

However, one of the great things about pendulums, besides their simplicity, is: You can try this on your own without spending a cent.

And then, if pendulums work for you, decide which seem to work best. (I’ve linked to a couple of my favorites, below.)

But really, if a homemade pendulum works well for you, keep using it, at least until you know if it’s a tool you’ll use regularly

53 thoughts on “Pendulums – How to Use Them for Ghost Hunting”

  1. Great article. 🙂 I’ve been using a pendulum (amethyst) for about 4 months and it worked for me the very first time I tried it. I really love using it as well as dowsing rods as sometimes the answers I receive from them are verified with a captured EVP. Have a great day!

  2. i am having trouble using my pendulum. some days seems to give accurate information, other days seem to joke and everything is dead wrong. don’t know if some spirit is messing around or not

    1. Joao,

      I’m sorry to hear that you’re having difficulty. You are right, of course: Something may be interfering. It’s difficult to know what, and I’m not sure it’s really important to identify it, at this point.

      I always recommend running several baseline checks using “yes” and “no” questions you know the answer to. Repeat the questions a few times, to be sure you’re getting consistent answers. (To be extra sure, you can run a few predictive checks. Before rolling dice, ask if the resulting number will be odd or even. Try that a few times.)

      If your answers aren’t reliable, put the pendulum aside. It’s not a good day to use it.

      If the answers are correct but you’re receiving weird answers after that, something may be playing a prank. If that’s the case, put the pendulum aside. Do so immediately. Treat the intrusive spirit like a badly behaved toddler or an obnoxious forum troll, and give it no more attention after that.

      Generally, prankster spirits and entities will get bored and leave you alone, if they can’t get a significant reaction from you.

      You may need to put the pendulum aside for a considerable amount of time — weeks or more than a month — but there’s no point in trying to use a research tool that isn’t working reliably.


    2. Pendulums need to be cleansed. You can do this a number of ways: my way is just waving it through incense or a smudge stick about 5 times to clear it of any energy. Cleansing after every pendulum session is important!

  3. Hi Fiona,

    How can I tell if I am endangering myself while using the Pendulum ?


    1. Hi Rob,

      This is a difficult topic. If you have any doubts about using a pendulum (or any ghost hunting tool or divinatory device), don’t use it.

      It’s vital to separate yourself from the action of the pendulum — mentally or with any of the pendulum stands, etc. that some people use.

      If, in your mind, you’re letting Spirit communicate through you (or through your hand), that can be risky. Once you open yourself to an external force accessing even your hand, you’ve opened a door you may not be able to close.

      When learning to distance yourself from the divinatory tool, a pendulum is one of the safest choices. As long you don’t think of it as an extension of yourself, you should be okay.

      By contrast, automatic writing, Ouija boards, etc., are far more risky.

      I hope that helps.


        1. Hi, Jen, and thanks for the question.

          The word “Ouija” is currently a trademark, so many boards – that we categorize as Ouija boards – have other names printed on them. Some are labeled “spirit boards,” “angel boards,” “talking boards,” and so on.

          For some reason, Ouija boards attract the most negative energy & entities. My best guess is: the participants have a direct, physical connection – through the platen to the board – and that makes the participants more vulnerable to negative spirits. But, that’s just a guess. I could be very wrong.

          Pendulum boards can work with no physical contact between the person and the pendulum or the board. The spiritual risk is far less… and you’re less likely to be the victim of a hoax, as well. (It’s rare, but a few people like to be part of Ouija board-type sessions, just to deliberately move the platen while protesting that they’re not doing anything. You can usually spot the person who’s causing the mischief, by videoing the session.)

          My attitude is this: the less opportunity something ghostly (or – worse – a malicious entity) has to enter your personal space, the safer you are.

          Pendulums can work if you hold them as still as possible, and mentally/spiritually shield yourself from the entities. Sometimes – less often – they can work with no on touching them… just suspended from a hanger of some kind. (You can make one with wire.)

          The board below the pendulum just makes it easier to figure out what the pendulum is communicating. It could be words, numbers, or letters, or a map or… well, lots of things.

          So, the difference between a pendulum board and a Ouija board is: (1) Pendulums tend to be safer than platens on Ouija boards, and (2) You don’t need to touch the pendulum at all, whereas a Ouija board needs some kind of platen or upside-down glass or something, with people touching it.

          I hope that helps!

          Cheerfully, Fiona

  4. It is now a few months, I bought a pendulum and started using it with banal questions and getting answers to Yes / No. As the answers, I got were not enough for many of the questions that I formulated, as I needed more ample answers. I began asking and surfing a bit on the Internet and found information from a book called Goetic Divination by Jake Stratton-Kent that It contained a divination ritual with the pendulum and a chart with letters of the alphabet ordered so that the author of the book used them in his cabalistic work. Jake used the previous ritual to invocation of Scirlin (Scirlin is one of the messengers of hell and can be useful to summon other demons). Similar casting is written in el Grimorium Verum but without pendulum or graphic.
    Immediately interested me the theme and print the chart that comes on page 26 of Jake’s book and wrote invoking the words on paper and immediately proceeded to perform the ritual as Jake describes in the book.
    I must say that in my first contact with Scirlin all went well, with nothing to comment on the matter. In later contacts, the situation began to change course. Without further began talking about certain dreams I have, saying said dreams would be realized in a short time and that the one who had to do was to follow Lucifer. I might add that I have not talk or ask anything about my dreams, the one I was looking for ways to learn a little about the spirit world if that were possible. Because I wanted to accomplish said dreams started asking questions and getting answers through the pendulum and graphic. It is because that when the time came that said dreams were realized as Scirlin told me, nothing happened and sincerely lost a little faith that initially had put the pendulum and graphic.
    After that, I started looking for more information about the pendulum and the chart with letters; I saw some videos, etc.
    From there, I drew some graphics with the letters of the alphabet and prepared a more or less effective method. Said that method was based on a prayer and a protective circle described by Jason Miller in The Sorcerer’s Secrets he uses to conjure Bune the 26th spirit in that most famous grimoire: the Goetia.
    My intention with the previous method was none other than bringing connect me with spiritual guides, light spirits, etc.
    In my first contact, everything went fairly well. I did different questions related to the spiritual world, and the answers, I believe, were appropriate.
    After a few sessions with the previous method, some spirits began talking of my dreams as had done Scirlin, including my spirit guides. I must say here also that at no time made any comment to the respect of so-called dreams, nor made any remarks about my future, nothing at all. But I must also say that again interested me the information and I started doing different questions to respect and always getting the same answers. Constantly spirits in the answers I was given, or any review ever done speaking the name of God, it was God who gave the answers for me, that God wanted me to have what I wanted, etc. etc. etc.
    I do not know exactly when I started with this last method, but I think it’s been more than two months, and basically from the second or third session, it was when the spirits began talking of my dreams, and again I say, without my having spoken of anything asked for anything, or nothing at all on my part.
    A part of my dreams was / is to spend this Christmas / 2015 with the woman I love most in this world, my wife. We are separated by my work because I am emigrant and she for reasons of family problems. I in the end of each session always wondered if it really would be next to my wife this Christmas, the response was always positive, not to worry about that since God wanted the best for me, that God wanted my happiness, etc. The target date for that trip said to be a reality this week as the spirits told me.
    Well then, the week nearly ends and I do not see that trip is possible. Besides that either I see the others, let us call them promises are carried out as they told me the spirits.
    Because of all these lies, they really have no other name; I have been doing several sessions off these last days. I have asked among other things “why they lied to me”, “what kind of spirits they really are”, “what I learned was that God is love, life, peace and rest”, “what kind of spirits were they used God’s name in vain, “and a long list of questions that would be very wide comment here. The answers I got were of the rarest such as, “I have to be careful because God kills me”, “God lied to me because he hate’s me,” “God lied to me because he wanted to help me make what I wanted” and equally the list is immense.
    Well now, I ask, what kind of “spiritual” entities are these?
    Can do spirits judging human?
    Can do the spirits of light lying?
    Can do spirits interfere in our dreams to the point of deciding what is or is not the best?
    Can do spirits threaten with death, disease, pain, and suffering?

    Now I learned that it should have acted with reason and never with the heart or emotion. Someone please can tell me what is wrong in all this.

    Thanks and forgive the text extension.

    1. This is exactly what I’ve warned about when relying on entities we can’t see: They could be tricksters. They could be lying.

      Yes, they could be sincere and helpful. Like people, I believe that most spirits have good intentions.

      However, anyone who relies on the Internet for angel names, sigils, rituals, or invocations — without thoroughly researching them to be sure they’re valid and safe — is playing with fire.

      Entities can lie. They can threaten you with anything at all; whether they can actually do what they say… that’s another matter. It’s best discussed locally with a spiritual advisor you trust.

  5. I did this a couple of times before I became a Christian.
    I will never play with this pendulum stuff again.
    It has taken me years to get rid of those dark, evil ‘things’ in my bedroom. It never happened until I was trying to summon a ‘ghost’ that used to live where I do now. I’ve been attacked while I was awake, then asleep.
    I’ve seen them. They are dark and burned looking. They smell like sulfur and rotted meat.
    I won’t even allow any type of ‘summoning boards’ in my home.
    I can’t go through that horror any more.

    1. What you experienced are demons! They are extremely cunning and evil! Call upon Archangel Michael to protect you. Order these demons to permanently leave you. Use the name of Archangel Michael or Jesus Christ.

      1. Jim, I’m uneasy with your advice. From what I’ve learned from people involved in demonic research and exorcisms, invoking Christianity – without a trained and trusted exorcist to help you – can be a very dangerous practice. Instead, if a demonic entity might be involved, I recommend contacting pros like John Zaffis, or visiting any local mainstream church, to get help with any spiritual problem that might get worse before it gets better.

  6. Hi there, I use my pendulum all the time. One day I was asking the same questions as I have before and they all came out to be yes, but that one day, same ? And they all came out no. What was up with that.
    Thank you. Lisa

    1. Lisa, I haven’t a clue. There are far too many explanations, varying with where you were, the kinds of questions you asked on those two days, and your past accuracy levels. Maybe it was just a fluke. Maybe something spiritual was playing a prank.

      In my opinion, you may have to do some trial-and-error testing to narrow the possible reasons you had this experience.

      Or, you could just keep using the pendulum and figure that was something odd that is unlikely to happen again.

  7. i cant communicate in letters answers coming dont make any sense

    1. Then make your own chart, based on images that DO make sense to you. (Something that indicates a boy, something for a girl. Something for yes, something for no, and so on.) Be creative!

  8. I have two pendulum. They both work beautifully for me. Actually this is the only equipment you need to contact and speak to spirits. But do be careful. Demons will come through also. Donna Armstrong.

  9. I use my necklace pendant. It’s round and heavy. I had a medium answer my questions first then i asked the same ones that same week and got same answers. It’s helped me so far. I love it.

  10. What if you can control the pendulum spiritualy yourself. Also what are the other uses of pendulums.

    1. That’s a brilliant question, ZARC. I should write an article about it. Short answer, for now: Remotely affecting the pendulum is a possibility. That’s not just about you, but anyone near you when you’re using the pendulum.

      To avoid interference from others: When you’re asking early questions (to establish accuracy), try to ask questions that only you know the answers to. Then, once the pendulum movement shows a clear yes/no pattern, shift to your actual ghost-related questions. Be on the alert if the pendulum motion changes significantly.

      In terms of you influencing it, that may be how your pendulum works. Maybe it’s your way of directing your psychic energy into something external. So, I’d worry less about that than about corruption of the answers due to external influences.

      I hope that’s helpful!

  11. So, today me and a couple friends played with a pendulum in one of my friends bathroom. we had the lights off and a candle under the pendulum. we specified how to move with yes and no questions, back and forth for yes, side to side for no. all was well at first, the questions were simple yes or no, it was a girl who lived in the house, she told us she meant no harm. or so she said. we asked to to move something else in the room. the pendulum stopped swinging and we waited. nothing moved. then the chain in my hand jerked. i dropped it, screaming, we all ran out. then we went in to say goodbye. it told us we could say goodbye and we blew out the candle and sat in the living room. THEN me and one other person went in to try to contact the same spirit again, the movement was far weaker as my friend was holding it. we then hung the pendulum on a little rack and it continued to swing in circles. we asked to say goodbye and it stopped going in circles then went side to side…. no. we said goodbye and blew out the candle. and left. we thought everything was fixed. i am now at home and feel surrounded by very negative energy. my cat feels it too. he keeps meowing as he never does this much. i saw a dark figure in my room and i am on the verge of panic. please help us what do we do..

    1. Eve, I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. I’m sure it’s terrifying.

      There are a few things I can say about it, and I hope they’re helpful.

      First, if you feel truly at risk, go immediately to the nearest mainstream church. It’s best if it’s one you go to, or have gone to, but if you’ve never been someone who goes to church, I recommend the nearest mainstream Christian church. Find a minister who’s friendly and sympathetic, and talk to her or him about what happened. (This is not something to do, online. Predators lurk, looking for vulnerable people. I don’t care how trustworthy they sound, or who’s recommended them.)

      But, I can also assure you of this: If you didn’t open yourself, mentally/spiritually, to allow the spirit to speak “through” you, you probably don’t have much to worry about.

      A lot of ghosts are harmless but annoying, and they just want attention.

      Think of a two-year-old having a temper tantrum because you’re not paying full attention to him/her. A lot of ghosts are like that. Ignore them for long enough – no matter how they try to impress/scare you – and they’ll go away.

      Generally, they’re gone in three days – or less – if you deliberately block them out of your thoughts for that much time. (Sing along with your favorite happy songs. Turn the music up, loud. Binge-watch fun TV shows, or cute animal videos on YouTube… or anything happy. Even Ryan’s toy reviews can be enough of a distraction. Anything Disney can be good, too.)

      Dark figures usually disappear with one of two tactics.

      (1) Pour a bunch of salt into a bowl. I use kosher salt that I buy in boxes as the grocery store. Then, I use a cup or a cereal bowl and fill it about an inch deep with salt. And I put it in the room/s where the problem is. (I always have a bowl underneath my bed, since that’s when – after a particularly harrowing investigation – entities can try to frighten me. <-- As if that's going to work. Not with my level of experience! But I resent being woken by a spirit trying to scare me, anyway.) In a few hours - sometimes much less - the entity is gone. If it comes back in a few weeks, dump out the salt and make a fresh bowl. I routinely do this every six months or so, as a precaution. So far, it's worked well. (2) Or, vacuum every room where the negative energy is. Get the vacuum into the corners of the room - including around the ceiling (but be careful if you need to stand on a step-stool or something). The leading theories are: the noise scares off the negative entities, and moving the air around disrupts them so much, they go away in a hurry. I have no idea why they should be affected by air currents, but the most annoying (and possible malicious) entities seem to hate strong air currents. I hope that helps! Sincerely, Fiona

  12. Hi, I am an empath and am extremely interested in the pendulum readings, what type of questions do you ask? future predictions or just about the spirit who came through? I printed your pendulum chart with the yes and no, is there anything i need to do before i start and when i am done to close the “chapter”? My grandmother used to read tea leaves so i am pretty interested in my abilities

    1. Corrie, thanks for those questions.

      When I start, I’m interested in the spirit that’s come through. I want to know if it’s someone from my family, or another acquaintance, and whether they’re around most of the time, or just dropped in for this particular conversation. Then, I want to know if they have a message for me, or anyone else with me… or even someone I’m supposed to contact for them. (That happens now & then, and sometimes it’s awkward to convey the message. The good news is, you’ll get used to it, more or less. It helps when the person knows exactly why you were asked to deliver that message.)

      After that, I may just chat with the spirit to establish rapport. Then, I might ask questions of my own, related to the location where we are, or something in my own life, or whatever seems right for that moment.

      To close, I usually suggest a verbal version of concluding an online chat or a phone call. Something like, “This has been a wonderful and helpful conversation. Thank you for visiting with me/us. I’m going to close this connection now, but hope you’ll feel comfortable visiting in a future pendulum session, if you like. For now, the connection is closed, with thanks… ” (Follow this with whatever your spirituality/religion might suggest, including an acknowledgement of the power of Deity, if that fits your belief system). And then, put your pendulum into whatever case or container where you store it.

      I hope that’s helpful. Also, if you have any witch or New Age stores near you, ask the staff for their insights. I think every person who uses a pendulum has her or his own views on best practices. It’s good to get many opinions, and then select the elements that resonate the most with you.


  13. I have a pendulum and I don’t know what a yes is and what a no is. It moved in a circle and in a straight line which one means no and which one means yes.

    1. Alyssa, ask it. Hold the pendulum still, and then let it go. Be sure it remains still for a moment, and then say, “Show me your sign for ‘yes.'”

      Wait and see what it does. Then do the same for “no.”

      You can re-check regularly, to be sure it stays the same. I check at the start of each pendulum session, at the very least.

      Another version: Ask the pendulum a question you know the answer to, like, “Is my name Alyssa?” Assuming that’s your real name, the way the pendulum moves will show you the “yes” movement.

      Then ask, “Is my name Fred?” (or some other question that’s definitely not true). That will show you the “no” movement, at least for that session.

      I hope that helps. If it doesn’t work, you might be one of those people for whom the pendulum isn’t a good choice. (I’m not very good with EVP. It seems as if different researchers have different talents, or things they’re adept with. So, don’t take it personally if pendulums don’t work well for you…though I hope they do.)

      Cheerfully, Fiona

  14. What kind of stones work best? Like can you use a cats eye? Or does it have to be crystal?

    1. Emily, any stone can work. Metal works, too. I’ve seen people use a simple metal washer or nut from the hardware store, on a length of string. It worked fine.

  15. In science, I am making a pendulum. We have to make a Rube Goldberg machine. I am making the pendulum out of 3 washers and string.

  16. Hello, should I hold the pendulum when asking the question or am Im I making it move to get the answer I want? Whats the best way to use it?

    1. Hello, Laura! You should hold the string or chain (or ribbon, or whatever the weight is suspended from) while you ask the question. Generally, I steady the weight with my other hand, before I ask the question, and then I release the weight.

      The weight should start moving during or after you ask the question, whether you ask it aloud or in your mind. (I recommend asking it, aloud. The more you can keep all of this outside yourself, the safer you’ll be.)

      For some people, the answer is immediate, even before the person finishes asking the question.

      But for most people, the answer follows within seconds of when the person concludes asking the question.

      If you don’t get a response within around 10 seconds, I’m not sure I’d trust a latent answer. Instead, I’d re-ask the question, trying different phrasing.

  17. Hi Fiona,
    I’m wondering if it has to be a gem or bead for the pendulum to work? I’ve found that even a simple earbud seems to communicate a reaction.

    1. Sophie, I agree. Anything heavy enough not to drift too easily at the end of a string, cord, chain, etc… that can be all you need. I’ve used bits of metal from the DIY/hardware store… nuts, washers, and so on, and they worked fine.

  18. I used my pendulum to communicate with guardian angels and Ascended Master Mary and El Morya before I recently realized this wasn’t a good idea as fallen angels can sneak through. I am afraid I was communicating with way worse than I originally thought, I think they tried to spin in a form of a sigil over my hand.. I stopped im pretty sure they were able to finish and demanded they leave since they did not have my permission, but I am on the fence of if it was a test of my discernment in my faith vs spirituality (i don’t believe Divine Feminine is bad, and up until now believed you could call on archangels and mother Mary/ saint sarah/ etc without asking God first to send them to you) i don’t want to have been accidentally committed to anything from this pendulum session with my “guardian angels” who were just fallen angels, but I don’t know what to believe. Can fallen angels speak in your head? Before I thought it was just saint sarah I was calling in. I don’t dive too deep in the occult besides crystal healing and angel messages/ claircognizance, but I strayed from opening third eye chakra and astral projecting for this reason. Also for instance, are all goddesses evil? Such as St. Brigit? She is the one who communicates me to most. I am worried things are now cursed around me, I have only wanted to help and serve God that’s always my intent but if these leeches are on me I don’t want to carry their nasty intentions any further. Thanks for your input.

  19. I can in my mind only without yes or no make my pendulum move. What does that mean? When you can just “think” it and it will move?

    1. Marie, yes, some people seem to be able to think the answer, and the pendulum moves.

      A good test might be suspending the pendulum from something stationary, that doesn’t move without significant effort. That could be a desk lamp, a curtain rod, a doorknob, or something similar. I recommend starting with something metal, as – for some psychics – metal seems to act as a mental conductor.

      Then, lightly touch the lamp, curtain rod, or whatever the pendulum is suspended from, and think “yes” or “no” and see if the pendulum moves.

      By eliminating any likelihood of inadvertent body movement, you can confirm if you have PK (psychokinesis) or otherwise able to move the pendulum with your mind.

      If the pendulum doesn’t move, that doesn’t rule out the possibility of your mind being the force behind the pendulum moving in your hand, but it could be a fun test to see how forceful your mind is.

  20. I’ve been involved with witchcraft and divination for a while now and got a pendulum to begin some spirit work, as I believe it’s time for me to finally delve in.

    Immediately, I sensed a connection with my pendulum and took it home. It always responds correctly to answers, and I’m happy to report that I’ve encountered no issues so far.

    Do you have any tips for finding a safe yet functional place to preform a reading in a haunted location?
    Salt circles are an idea, however I don’t want to completely cut off my contact

    1. Kenny, it’s best if you ask people in your spiritual community for advice. Each person and each location is different. For best results, I recommend face-to-face conversations with local spiritual professionals.

  21. At the start of each session I always say outloud, “I’d like to connect with my spirit guide,” .. does that help ensure that my spirit guide is the only one communicating with me at that time? I do not want to invite anything else in. Also, can sea salt really cleanse a pendulum?

    1. Dana, it might get the attention of your spirit guide, but it won’t necessarily prevent other entities from getting involved in the conversation.

      And yes, I believe sea salt can cleanse a pendulum under normal circumstances. However, if a malicious entity attaches itself to the pendulum, all bets are off. In that case, I’d bury the pendulum in a place where no one is likely to dig it up.

      1. I’ve used a pendulum with my mom a few years ago. We only did harmless questions like asking it to make it go in a circle, say yes, say no, and other stuff. I started seeing a malevolent spirit in the kitchen of my mom’s trailer with the lights flickering on and off. I remembered it from when I was in sixth grade, but it was only one of them. Before I used it again, I learned some protective spells to keep myself from being harmed. I started using less powerful pendulums and got back better results since then.

    2. I have use the pendulum, my mom just pass away a month ago. Does my chakra pendulum can help me communicate with my mom? And will my mom able to hear me and show her answer through my chakra pendulum?

      1. Hi, Ricki, and I’m so very sorry your mom passed away. That’s never easy to deal with.

        Whether your mom hear and reply to you is up to her. You don’t need a pendulum. (My late mother still sends messages to my family. It’s always something we see or hear in an unexpected context. And, along with it, there will be something that’s a reminder of my mother. I know how odd that sounds, but… well, my mother passed over five years ago. At this point, we can’t just say those odd moments are “just a coincidence.”)

        I think it’s important not to insist that she talk through the pendulum. Something else might work better for her. Maybe it’s numbers that show up in odd places. Or a word or phrase someone says by accident, pauses, and says, “Wow, that’s not what I meant to say.” Or something like that.

        Be patient. And be open to comforting messages from her.


        1. Thank you so much for that reply. I too lost my mom five years ago (my dad too, for that matter). I frequently feel her presence and “message” and feared that perhaps I was merely making up these occurrences. Your reply solidifies my sense that her presence remains real.

        2. Hi when I use my pendulum I always get a no answer for each of my questions and yes but I think I’m am being told what I want to hear today I got a yes answer for the same question I got a no from and when I get a yes answer it swings around and around and when I get a no answer it swings back and forth but the pendulum lies to me as well plus I get different answers for the same questions now I don’t know what to believe it says it’s going give sweet dreams and messages it doesn’t and what does it mean when my pendulum spins out of control yes means around and around maybe means side to side and no swings back and forth but I get different answers to the same questions I think I’m being told what I want to hear please help me ? So I can use my pendulum correctly

          1. If the pendulum is telling you lies, stop using it. Some people can rely on pendulums. Others open themselves to dangerous influences when they do so.

  22. I am quite new at all this and was using my pendulum and all seemed fine. Then the answers were getting messed up and I knew that I was too emotionally attached to the outcome. Then I wrote my questions on pieces of paper and flipped them over so I wouldn’t be emotionally attached to the answer at that point. But I received different answers that had previously been given. So I backed off. I would always ask to connect with God, my spirit guides and guardian / archangels for help. After reading a bit of what you wrote above, I’m not sure that I should be saying or doing that. I really just wanted a safe way to communicate with my spirit guide for help with life and my path as I’m not a medium. Any suggestions or advice would be so appreciated. Thank you Fiona.

    1. Kim, if your pendulum work isn’t resonating with what makes sense to you, that may not be your best tool for connecting with your guides, angels, and so on. See if you can get a reading from a professional, and ask her (or him) what the best way is for you to receive messages from the good and kind spirits you’re hoping to reach.

  23. 1. Qs.Hi after using the rudraksha mala for yes no questions is it ok to wear it back again . Normally i chant on it too.

    2. I came across info saying pendulums work on the right finger which hold the pendulum sending signals to our brain i am surprised to learn this is to do with spirits. …

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