Can a Ghost Read Your Mind?

Can a Ghost Read Your Mind? Learn the truth from a professional ghost hunter.

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Can a ghost read your mind?  That’s what Maddy from Santa Monica asked me, today.

That’s not a simple question to answer.  It depends on the context.

Here’s my 2023 video answering this question:


Here’s my opinion about whether ghosts can read your mind.

First, we’re not sure what ghostly phenomena are.  Are they all spirits of the dead… really?  I’m not convinced of that.  The more I work in this field (over 30 years), the more certain I am that some (not all) of what we’re encountering aren’t “dead people.”

That includes such a wide range of possibilities, it all depends on what’s real for you:  Pranks by humans (people who are alive), angels, demons, aliens, faeries, the person’s imagination, or… well, I’m sure there are another dozen or more explanations that could work equally well, depending on your beliefs.

My personal view: I believe that at least 50% of what I encounter in the field is actually someone alive and well and living in his or her own time stream.

In some cases, that time stream is our past.  And, I think that moments of intense emotion convey across the barrier between our worlds.

I also believe that some ghostly phenomena are caused by other paranormal entities… things outside our current definition of “normal,” but they may turn out to be not-so-weird, after all.

However, I don’t expect most people to agree with me.

For many ghost hunters, 100% of what they encounter will be spirits of the dead.

But, let’s consider the possibility that ghostly phenomena aren’t always caused by people who’ve died. And yes, some of them may be dangerous.

Demons and malicious entities

It’s well documented that demonic entities may have the ability to read the victim’s mind.

They may also read the minds of almost everyone who attempts to remove, banish, or exorcise the demon.

I wouldn’t rule out deliberate, mind control techniques by other malicious entities.  Though reports of that kind of problem are extremely rare, each ghost hunter should be aware of this.

This is important: If  – even before the investigation – you feel like something malicious is trying to connect with you, stay at home. Also, alert others who are going ahead with the investigation.

By contrast, many people who communicate with angels (and other benevolent entities) will assure you that angels are given many spiritual gifts. They may know your own thoughts and wishes better than you do.   Of course, that’s more empathic than mind-reading.

Some other entities, including faeries and aliens… well, it’s anyone’s guess if they can use their ability to use telepathy as a one-way or two-way communication stream.

For many ghosts, “It’s all about me”

So, let’s get back to the subject of ghosts.  The next thing to consider is the question: Why do people haunt?

If we assume that they’re stuck here for some reason, those reasons become important to them… and to us.

  • Maybe the person refuses to believe he or she has died.
  • Perhaps the person recognizes the death, but has unrealistic expectations about what’s supposed to happen next.
  • The ghost may have unfinished business or a story to tell, before letting go of this existence.

In almost every possible scenario like that, the ghost’s attention is on him- or herself.  From the ghost’s perspective, why would the ghost want to read your mind… even if that were possible?

So, if a spirit that’s haunting for the usual reasons, mind reading is unlikely.

Guardian angels, spirits and rapport

The second most likely situation is where a family member, friend, or other benevolent and caring spirit is visiting from the other side.  That’s a lot like an angel.

He or she is interested in you.  That’s the opposite of a ghost with a personal agenda.

It seems reasonable that a guardian spirit would have empathic gifts, at the very least.

So, the spirit may care deeply about you, and want to know how you’re doing.

Perhaps he, she, or they are looking for ways to help you.  In that case, I think mind reading is a possibility.

So, the answer is mixed.

Remember, this is all speculation.  If you start with the idea that ghosts are real and most spirits you encounter will be from “the other side,” you can use logic to decide whether or not a ghost might want to read your mind.

Is it a ghost with a very personal agenda – something he or she needs help with, urgently? In that case, the ghost is less likely to care what you’re thinking.  He or she is focused on getting help.

Mind reading is unlikely in that situation.

So, to answer Maddy’s question: Yes, a ghost probably can read your mind, but most won’t. They’re focused on their own interests.

On the other hand, if it’s a spirit visiting from the other side, checking to be sure you’re okay, an empathic connection (aka, mind reading) is not only possible but likely.

19 thoughts on “Can a Ghost Read Your Mind?”

  1. Hello Fiona, I am the Assistant Director of a Paranormal group and I had an interesting experience related to this article. My group captured an EVP at a residential investigation that we were at of either an entity using mind reading or the power of suggestion. We posted this EVP on our Facebook page. The scenario was, one of our members was standing near a set of stairs and was thinking about going down the stairs. His significant other was sitting near by watching him, just prior to her asking him if he was going down the stairs, we heard the entity say “Are you going down there?” About ten seconds after the entity says that, his wife asks him if he is going down stairs and for him to be careful. Needless to say we were quite shocked at hearing this EVP, especially those that were involved.

    1. Robert, that’s fascinating! Thanks so much for posting this. I may need to post a survey, to see how many others may have encountered something like mind reading during investigations.

    2. Hey wow I’m having the same thing N I can here them is there anyway I can be helped with removing them I here tell me n my girlfriend things like get aggravated or fight or love each other I can here it with my own ears I need help removing them also I captured spirits on my phone also but I also have more stories they also make me hallucinate I would love to here back from you I’m going through now as we speak they talked to my

      1. Donny, what you’re describing doesn’t sound like a ghost. Please see a mainstream priest or minister in your area, and tell him or her what’s going on, in case it’s demonic.

  2. I’ve seen shadow people on two seperate occasions in my home. Each time was when I wasn’t thinking about them. But since then, it’s always in the back of my mind that they could be here…and yet I haven’t seen them since. Can’t help but think they know I’m expecting to see them so they don’t show themselves.

  3. I can feel that a certain place is haunted but have never seen a ghost but do believe in them. Recently I read about shadow people and it gave me the chills. Would it be possible for me to generate a situation for me to see a ghost or shadow person? Is it easier to see them in the “witching hours,” or any time after dark?

  4. I believe those of our ancestors and immediate family and friends that have crossed over do read our thoughts and send signs, thoughts, or indications that they’ve picked up just what we’re thinking or concerned about. I’ve had too many experiences where I knew “they” knew exactly what i was thinking.

  5. Thoughts and emotions are energy, energy can be perceived by most. If one of your friends is behind you, looking/thinking in your direction, can you not feel that? Again, simply a form of energy being directed at you, you perceive it and turn around. When I was younger I found that conversations had with entities are via something similar to thoughts,some are in words and most come through in like a feeling that I have to translate into words. For these reasons I would say yes, intelligent entities can definitely hear or feel your thoughts.

    As for shadow people, I do not trust them. To me they seem to sneak, hide and do not like to be directly seen. Very lurky type creatures and fast- often with a sense they are up to no good. I have not seen any in a long time, and though they seem to like night mostly, I and a friend of mine both seen one during the day time, sun shining and all. I did find that quite unusual. My gut feeling about the shadow people is to not encourage them to enter your home or space.

    If you are wanting to experience such things then travel to places to quench such thirst. I would advise against inviting things you do not understand into your home. There are many that are harmless but there are somethings that hold malice and it is the things that up to no good that happy to accept such invites.

  6. Hi my name is Nina i myself is encountering ghostly activity in my home it doesnt do it till night time nor does it do it when my bf is awake it’s actually driving me crazy and I’m lacking sleep but it hides my things and it like touches bags of chips sn knocked over my fingrt nail polish sounds like its cleaning off my tables could sum 1 plz help me!! Ty 🙂

  7. I can feel what ghost wants if that makes any sense, I cant control it; it just happens. The strongest was when my friend Sandra’s mom past away. I had a dream an old lady was choking me against a brick wall telling me to “stay away from her”. (I had also been able to feel this lady when ever my friends boyfriend is around it follows him.) and when I would visit Sandra and her mom would be doing better it was an awesome feeling of love warmth and a goodbye, until the boyfriend (Eddie) came in and I could feel the same scary lady almost hugging her.) So anyway I woke up feeling like I just brushed my teeth, minty fresh then had the urge to visit my friend Sandra. I got there and her mom had JUST PAST AWAY!! the crazy part is that I can hear her mom pissed off saying tell her to leave, she don’t belong here! I was saying in my head “who?” she said her I looked up and it was her oldest daughter. I was thinking “I am so not going to tell her!!” she is your daughter!! and she said “I don’t care” I didn’t say it and I can feel her getting mad. So I told Sandra what was going on in my head I felt like a nut ball! But then she told me they had been fighting over a year and that she took everything her mom had so they were not on talking terms. I then felt her everywhere I was able to hear and feel her.

  8. Hello,
    My name is Mark and I have had and am still having contact with many spirits.
    It did start completely out of curiosity. I live in an old home and attempted to obtain any sort of E.V.P.
    From the moment i turned on the recorder there were many different voices coming through. I was startled by this because of the clarity and the how frequent it seemed to take place. they have identified themselves as family members of my wife and loved ones I have lost. I’ve asked many questions of them and they answer promptly and correctly. When I asked how this is happening and why me, they explained that I am a portal to the other side. It was hard to believe at first but it must be so because I can not only converse with earthbound spirits but angelic beings and loved ones in heaven as well. If I think of a deceased person whether I knew them in life or not they come and they have conversation with me. When I attempt to ignore they continue to pass through me causing dizziness and nausea. They are all prolific mind readers. They can answer questions before I even ask.
    I have run into bad ones too and they are very difficult to deal with. I am 53 years old and my faith in God is strong. At times it seems that is all I have. I have not confided in many and it has been going on for 7 months. I need someone who will confirm what is happening to me and maybe teach me how to deal with this, It’s causing problems in my marriage and I don’t want to lose my wife.

    1. Hello, Mark, and I’m so sorry to hear that this is causing problems in your marriage.

      You’re describing a consistent form of verbal (and almost verbal) contact. The question is where it’s coming from, and whether the information you’re receiving is correct, or an entity exerting a negative influence.

      The parts that concern me are – first and foremost – that you say they’re prolific mind readers. If an entity (or entities) can read your mind, it can extract correct answers from your thoughts, too. So, that’s something to consider.

      In addition, the dizziness and nausea as a penalty for ignoring them… that’s worrisome.

      Everything might be fine. The spirits might truly be who they seem to be. But… maybe they’re not.

      My best advice is to sit down, face-to-face, with a priest or minister you trust. Explain what’s going on. Get an educated opinion from someone who’s qualified in spiritual matters, because – after all – this is a spirit (or multiple spirits) you’re communicating with.

      This isn’t severe enough for me to refer you to John Zaffis, directly. (Contrary to how he’s sometimes represented on TV, he’s actually one of the best authority on malicious spirits and demonic entities. If I were worried about something malicious in my research, I’d contact John for help.)

      But, in your case, I think someone in a local church may help you resolve this, and figure out what’s really going on. This might be a wonderful gift of God. But, if the entities are merely pretending to be relatives, they might be – at best – mean-spirited (no pun intended).

      Because this could be something deceiving you, it’s important to get local, trusted help right away. I’m glad you contacted me about this, because it could be important to get local advice, immediately.

      Don’t delay. And, at the first church, if you don’t find someone sympathetic and well-versed in ghostly activity, keep looking. Don’t put this off.

      Sincerely, Fiona

  9. Hi. This was an amazing article. The focus of spirits being living breathing people in other timelines/realities going about their lives sounded so radical it resonated a lot with me. But aside from that inspired kernal I seek further information. I didn’t really focus on ‘ghost’ in my Google search. I just wanted to know if spirits, anything can fall under that category be it aliens or demons or gods or whathaveyou, listen to our thoughts? Maybe more specifically our daydreams?

    Something, someone, a non-corporeal mind, commented “Quite the imagination,” to me today. It embarrassed me as when you endulge in a private daydream typically you don’t recieve feedback. Obviously it could have been a stray thought but I’ve gotten used to recognizing the difference. Daydreams are a lot like a guided meditation, your mind basically falls asleep and listens to/experiences a story. It’s easy to pick up stray thoughts, as you do in meditations and dreaming/waking, that don’t ‘feel’ like your own. This is my experience, not me stating a belief or a truth. I’m just hoping for some clarification.

    Demon seems likely, I do work with the occult, or perhaps a deity. I recently worked with some Voodoo gods who were very present in my space a few days ago. But really I wish my head would stay a private place unless I invite someone in for a chat. If they can simply sit back and observe my inner mind, how can I make it a more private space?

    1. Thank you for that wonderful comment, Ariel. I expect that some entities can tune into our thoughts. I also believe it’s possible to protect yourself so you have more privacy. That’s probably an energy issue, and related to however you’re most comfortable managing spiritual energy. For some, that will be prayer or a religious talisman. (I’m speaking inclusively, not just about mainstream religions.) For others, it will be something they consider more scientific, as “observers,” in quantum terms.

      I think we all have vulnerable moments – and vulnerabilities, in general. But I also believe we can develop the habit of shielding our thoughts, putting up energy/spiritual privacy screens. It doesn’t need to be a continually conscious act. For some, a lit candle – at home or in church – is a symbol that, for as long as it burns, prayer/energy/protection is in progress.

      Of course, this is all speculation, but I hope it’s helpful.

      Also, I’ve been going through my past articles, seeing which should become podcasts (and posted as audio versions of the article, on the related webpage). Thanks for bringing this article to my attention; I’ll be recording it later today.

      Cheerfully, Fiona

  10. Hi Fiona. I have been involved with a spirit for a few months now. What started off as fun has turned into this spirit being able to inhabit my body at will and move toes/fingers/lift arms very easily. Your post to Mark above makes total sense to me. At times I do receive instructions/words that make sense to the situation we are in but seems to me that I could be talking to myself as well.

    The reason I found this post was I have been looking for tinformation to make the connection for why this spirit is here for me. It hasn’t hurt me and I don’t think it would but our behavoir is not exactly what we should be doing if you know what I mean. I went to a well known psychic in the LA area and she did confirm there was one female and three male entities with me. She told me two things that she could not have known unless she could communicate with them in whatever way she does.

    The presence is now getting more powerful in the way it wants to control, (I guess people would use the word posses there), me as I go thru the day. It used to be only at night, now it is very present all day to varying degrees. Prime activity time starts at about 1 AM and goes until 6 or 7 AM sometimes but from about 9 PM it is very present along with many other ones that seem to come and go.

    I need to know how to proceed with this. You had told Mark in an earlier post to find a local Priest but how do you find someone who has experience with these sorts of things ? It seems if I just start calling people I won’t be taken seriously and/or find someone who really knows what to do. Most people won’t even believe what is going on much less know how to help.

    Any info or assistance would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your time.

    1. K B, I’d look for anyone who’s attended college-level courses in religion and spirituality. Most mainstream priests and ministers have that training.

      If they don’t take you seriously, they’re not caring for their community. That’s disappointing, but it does happen… far too often.

      Keep asking anyway. You’re certain to find someone within, say, an hour of your home. Just stay with mainstream faiths and people who’ve studied spirituality at an advanced level, in an academic setting, for years.

  11. Hi Fiona. I Googled “Can a ghost haunt your thoughts?” and this thread popped up. I dated a guy over 20 years ago and it ended badly. He was verbally abusive and manipulative so I cut off all communication even after numerous attempts by him and his family to reach out to me. We both married and had children and seemingly moved on. I found out a year ago that he was physically abusive to his wife and he committed suicide in jail after he was arrested. Ever since then, I can’t stop thinking about him and it’s driving me more than a little mad. I keep having the same thought over and over that he’s telling me it’s my fault for abandoning him and not helping him sort out his issues. Everything in me tells me it is me simply feeling guilt and that I’m processing my grief. I just can’t shake the feeling that he’s hanging around with negative energy. Any thoughts?

    1. Felicia, if your gut feeling is that you’re still processing your grief, trust that. Really.

      But, on the off chance that he’s hanging around to dump some guilt trip on you, I recommend putting a bowl of salt near your bed. And possibly wearing something – a locket perhaps – with salt it in.

      For reasons we don’t understand (yet), salt seems to repel unpleasant spirits.

      Also, if anyone close to you has passed away – a favorite grandparent or someone like that – consider asking them (out loud) to deal with your ex. (I did that with my grandaunt, when one of my kids was having problems, and – within about two days – the problems stopped. And then I went to her grave and poured some of her favorite whisky on it, as a thank you. That’s an Irish thing, as far as I know, but I’m a firm believer in saying “thank you” to helpful spirits.)

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