Should You Avoid Ghost Hunting? Sometimes the Answer is Yes

When should you avoid ghost hunting? Why – at certain times – could your safety (and sanity) be at risk?

At almost every large ghost hunting event, I’ve seen someone put themselves in harm’s way.

I’m sympathetic, and though it’s understandable, the person isn’t thinking clearly.

They’ve suffered a tragic loss. Someone they cared deeply about is gone.

The person decides that, through ghost hunting, they might reconnect with the deceased.

I have never seen a positive outcome to that… not the kind that involves certain contact with the other (deceased) person, or full closure to their grief.

Worse, it puts the grieving person at risk. They may be so eager to communicate with the lost loved one, he becomes vulnerable to dark or malicious entities.

(Yes, some dangerous and demonic entities seem to masquerade as lost friends and family.)

Or, the person may be victimized by charlatans masquerading as ghost hunting professionals.

Online or in person, sleazy people can steal the grieving person’s money, or even their identity.

At the other extreme, when someone is involved in paranormal research with a single, self-serving goal, it’s easy for them to distract their team members.

For example, the person may wander off by himself, thinking he saw something that reminded him of the person who died.

Then, the investigation has to be halted while everyone searches for the missing team member.  In many cases, that adds up to a frustrating, wasted research session.

(This is why I recommend a careful interview before accepting anyone new on a critical investigation. Be sure you know the person’s motivation for ghost research.)

Finally, ghost hunting may prevent the person from completing the grieving process. They won’t let go of the past. They’re still trying to hold onto the person who’s gone.

Really, at almost every ghost hunting event, by late in the evening, I’ve found someone sobbing in a corner, absolutely distraught.

In every case, the person was still mourning a lost loved one. And, during that event, the person realized that ghost hunting wasn’t going to bring back their loved one.

Grief and ghost hunting don’t mix.

My advice is: Cherish the memories. Allow yourself to grieve. Give yourself as much time as you need.  (I’ve always admired the Jewish tradition of “sitting shiva.” I think many of those traditions could help people of other faiths – including Atheists – as well.)

Seek professional counseling if you need it. Don’t feel embarrassed to reach out to those who can help.

After that, if you’re still interested in ghost hunting – out of curiosity, or a spiritual or scientific interest – get involved.

Meanwhile, you put yourself at risk if you leap into ghost hunting with the goal of reconnecting with a lost loved one.

There are many great reasons to become a paranormal investigator and pursue ghost hunting. Be honest with yourself – and your team mates – about why you’re there.

We need more bright, interested ghost researchers. I hope you are (or will be) one of them… but only when the time is right for you.

Ouija Boards and Ghost Hunting

Ouija boardOuija boards are a controversial topic, and not just among ghost hunters. Many people ask me about Ouija boards, and if I believe in them. Others warn me about demons and divination tools of all kinds, but especially Ouija boards.

If someone is having problems with demons, we refer him or her to John Zaffis. He’s the very best in the demonology field.

However, demons (or malicious entities, no matter what you call them) aren’t the only reason I don’t use or permit Ouija boards at my own investigations.

For me, credibility is a huge issue. If a research tool can’t be trusted, I prefer not to use it.

We know that spirits can lie and — with a Ouija board and many other divinatory tools — it’s difficult to sort the truth from very clever lies.

Also, when someone is using any device like a Ouija board (such as an upside-down glass on a table), it’s difficult to tell if someone is pushing the glass, platen, or indicator.  In most cases, the person influencing the motion doesn’t realize he (or she) is doing that. To an onlooker, the unintended manipulation can be far more obvious.

Independently, I’ve had convincing experiences with Ouija boards. I have no doubt that they can provide valid and predictive answers to questions.

However, people are vulnerable when they think they’re talking to a loved one or a lofty “spirit guide.” It’s too easy for a prankster (human or spirit) to have fun at the expense of a beginner.

In addition, I’ve seen researchers actually lose locational advantages by relying on divinatory tools during ghost hunts. It’s like using a mobile phone to talk to someone who’s standing next to you.  It’s silly, at best.

For a variety of reasons, including recent, increased reports about demonic attacks and malicious entities, I no longer recommend using Ouija boards during ghost investigations.

Here’s the late Father Andrew Calder explaining some of the issues. I knew Andy and still have the greatest respect for the work he did while he was among us. He had far more experience with demonic energy than most people I know.

In the following videos about the dangers of paranormal research — including Ouija boards — Father Andy’s advice is credible and something to pay attention to.

Psychic? Ghost Hunting? Ways to Protect Yourself.

Psychic? Ghost Hunting? Ways to Protect Yourself!Many ghost hunters have sensed ghosts, seen them, or even sensed messages from them. So, in a way, we’ve sometimes been “mediums.” That doesn’t mean we’re evil, or witches, or even making up stories from our imaginations.

It only means that we’re sensitive to “ghostly” energy.

Maybe that comes naturally to us. Maybe it’s something we acquire after many encounters with ghosts.

Either way, it’s normal.

This is important

A medium is someone who acts as the go-between.  You’re in the middle, acting as the conduit between the ghosts’ world and ours.  Most mediums seem to be psychic, but not all psychics are mediums.

In general, ghosts and spirits can’t take over a person without his/her permission.

Even misguided ghosts aren’t that powerful.


I’m not talking about demons or malicious spirits. That’s another topic. I’m seeing increased reports of demons and malicious entities, but it’s still a very small issue in ghost hunting.

When someone is dealing with a demon or possessions, I refer them to professionals.

Find out more here: If You’re Frightened and Need Help.

However, there are times when a medium — or someone developing his or her psychic gifts — feels an unwanted presence in their field of energy, or even in their mind.

Whether or not you’re psychic, always know where your boundaries are… and when they’ve been crossed.

Begin by studying how you feel without the influence of others, including spirits.

Start your day with a reality check

First, see how you feel when you start the day. I’ve talked about this in other articles, notably Baseline… Yourself.

Here’s a quick summary:

When you wake up each morning, pause before getting out of bed and do a reality check. I mean that literally:

  • Check your emotions. Are you cheerful or grumpy? Calm or anxious?
  • See how you feel, physically… healthy, allergies, etc. Do you feel energized, or is it especially difficult to get out of bed today?

After completing that “baseline” check, it’s time to look ahead.  I like the phrase, “pave the road.”  That is, visualize how your day is likely to go, and how you’ll feel as you accomplish items (specific items) that you intend to complete.

During the day, pause regularly to see if you’ve accepted energy or emotions from people or the environment around you.

During each ghost hunt, pause regularly. See if you’ve been gradually accepting impressions from spirits. It’s best to notice this before it becomes a problem.

As you’re ghost hunting, if you feel imposed upon by spirits, re-center yourself.

  • Revisit those morning feelings and emotions. Use them as as your reference point.
  • Remember how you felt then, and do your best to re-experience those feelings.

Creative visualizations

Some psychics and ghost hunters use creative visualizations to protect their personal space. Here’s one way to do that.

  • Imagine a real, physical room in the “psychic space” where spirits contact you.
    1. Create a visual sense of boundaries… physical walls with windows and a door. Imagine your perfect room in your perfect house, with perfect views out windows on at least three sides of the room.
    2. Make this very clear and very specific. Write it down, if that helps. Or, use a photo from a decorating magazine, or a place where you’ve lived or visited.
    3. Decide that you are the only person who can enter the room through the door. Perhaps its similar to a door in Star Trek, and only responds to your voice. The door always works. You can always leave the room and return to your own world easily and immediately.
    4. As a psychic, imagine that you’re opening only one of those windows (with a screen) to talk with the spirits. If, at any point, you want to close the window, you can. Or, you can turn your back on that window, and look out at least two other windows with happier views. Spirits cannot enter this room, but only communicate through the window. Make the screen electrically charged, if that helps. Imagine a line of salt along the window ledge, since — in folklore — ghosts generally can’t cross salt. (So far, that’s worked well for me.)
    5. Make sure the room seems real to you. It’s your spiritual haven in a “between-worlds” space. Mentally visit it every morning, and remind yourself of its decor, and how restful and safe it feels.
    6. Use this imagery whenever you are preparing to contact (or open to) spirits. Treat it very seriously; this space is as real as you make it. It is

Rely on spiritual protection if you need it.

As long as you’re dealing with ghosts — not demons — the following methods have been successful.

  • Use tried-and-true spiritual protections, including crosses, pentacles, stars of David, holy water, sage smudges, and so on… they work.
  • Sea salt seems to work well, too. According to stories, it’s a line that ghosts can’t cross. (Interestingly, some people report take kelp daily to reduce or prevent anxiety attacks. I use it myself when I’m stressed. Kelp’s composition is similar to salt’s.)
  • If you say to a spirit, “I banish you from my presence in the name of [deity],” they usually go away.

You may need to repeat whatever you’re using regularly until the spirit/s get the point. Like persistent suitors who won’t take no for an answer, some spirits need to be told steadily and firmly that they are not welcomed.

Warning: If you try any of those remedies and the situation becomes dramatically, frighteningly worse, stop immediately. Leave the site immediately and seek help if you’re feeling anxious. Do not go online and ask for help. Instead, find a trusted, mainstream spiritual professional – a religious minister – and tell them what’s happened.

When you’re dealing with ghosts, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Well-researched guide to protection for ghost hunters, based on a variety of spiritual beliefs and practices.

Keep in mind that, along with psychic gifts, people are also given psychic protection.

It’s mostly a matter of activating it.

Whether you choose a spiritual protection from your religion, or use creative visualization to keep spirits from intruding, there is little to fear as long as you remain alert and keep your boundaries in place.

Ghosts can be bullies, but ghosts aren’t dangerous. (Other entities can be, but that’s not what I’m talking about, here.)

Most spirits respond to what you say, out loud. As silly as it may seem, it’s helpful to say “Leave me alone,” or “Step back, you’re in my space,” if you need to.

Say it loudly and clearly, and be firm about it.

Most ghosts do not follow anyone home from ghost hunts. If they could leave the location that they’re haunting… well, they’d have left it long ago.  Something is holding them there, and it’s usually a self-imposed limit.

Daily “reality checks” will help you discern how you feel, and more quickly recognize external influences from the spirits.

Remember, if you reassert your personal boundaries when the problem is small, it’s easier to keep spirits from intruding where they shouldn’t go.

Psychic Preparations for a Ghost Hunt

Wild flowers at a NH cemeteryPsychic skills and sensitivity can be useful during ghost investigations, if the psychic is skilled, understands the risks involved, and maintains appropriate boundaries.

But, simply being psychic — and I believe that most people are psychic — isn’t enough.You need to maintain your psychic boundaries, as well.

It’s easy to be “too psychic” on ghost hunts. If you’re picking up energy from other researchers as well as the ghosts, it can feel like a dozen radios are blaring at once.

That’s where boundaries come in.  They protect you and your team, and can be helpful to the spirits, as well.

Consider these preparations to enhance your psychic ghost hunting skills.

Clear your mind.

Before a ghost investigation, jot down anything that you can think of that you need to do.

Whether you need to remember that tomorrow is trash day, or if you have a book to return to the library, if that thought keeps swimming around your brain, write it down.

Just a few notes may be enough. The point is to reduce the self-talk in your head.

Eat well, but not too much.

Before every ghost hunt, eat a light meal. Include some protein, since it digests more slowly than carbs and will prevent hunger pangs during your research. Never overeat. Whether you get heartburn or just a heavy feeling, too much in your stomach can be a distraction. Likewise, avoid spicy foods if your digestion is sensitive.

Skip dessert. Carbohydrates can contribute to drowsiness or anxiety during investigations.

Of course, avoid alcohol, too much caffeine, and unnecessary drugs.

  • Alcohol can distort your perceptions more than you realize at the time.
  • Caffeine “jitters” can compound your anxieties during a scary ghost hunt.
  • Unnecessary and/or recreational drugs can also alter your perceptions and impair your psychic abilities.

However, if you are under a doctor’s care and should take medications… take them.  Just make sure your team leader knows about this, in case the occasional side effect or a food interaction could affect your investigating.

Also, caffeinated beverages can have a place in your backpack.  After an exhausting investigation, some researchers rely on caffeine to be sure they’re sharp enough for the commute home.  (On the other hand, many teams gather in a nearby coffee shop after an investigation.  They can exchange notes and eat a light meal that refreshes them enough to drive home, safely.)

Note: If you make spirit contact through a ritual of any kind, especially one that uses substances that put you in more direct contact with spirits, make sure your team leader knows about this, ahead of time.

Generally, ritual contact and the use of some substances should be kept separate from general ghost investigations.  In fact, I usually recommend two separate investigations:  One to determine what’s at the site.  Later, a second investigation by those who will make psychic or spiritual contact, to help the spirit communicate and cross over.

“Wash off” the day’s energy, if that helps.

Before an investigation, make a clean break with the energy of that day.

  • Some people take a drive with the windows open.
  • Others like a hot shower or bath.
  • For some, the answer is a few minutes in a comfortable chair with classical music playing, or binaural beats that refresh them.
  • Light exercise or a few minutes of dancing can “shake loose” any negative energy you’ve picked up.
  • Or, you may enjoy watching part of a TV show or movie that helps you disengage from the day’s activities.

If you need an activity that marks the closure of the workday or school day, be sure to include that, no matter how rushed you are.

Have a partner or coach at your elbow.

Even the best of psychics can become vulnerable.   Always designate a team member to check on you regularly and make sure you’re okay.

  • Clearly explain what you need.  Checking on you should not become a distraction for either of you.  Often, a visual check — just a glance to see how you look — is enough. Or, it could be a simple exchange once an hour, along the lines of: “Everything okay?” “Yes, everything’s fine.” “Good. I’ll check again in an hour.”
  • The person should know what’s normal for you when you’re working as a psychic.
  • The team member should be very clear about what’s not okay.
  • If you get into trouble, your partner or coach should be confident enough to act quickly to get help, no matter what you say.
  • Your partner should know exactly what kind of help you might need, and how to get that help for you, right away.

Know the risks.

Demon-like Photo by Michal Zacharzewski, Poland - SXCIn recent years, many psychics has been deceived by entities that did a really good job of pretending to be ghosts.

As a result, I’ve almost completely reversed my previous policies related to divinatory tools and trance mediums.

It’s not that I’m phobic about Ouija boards, and I won’t flee from the site if someone goes into a trance.  I’ve simply developed a healthy respect for what can go wrong on an investigation.

In recent years, we’ve seen far more frightening things than we did in the 1980s and 1990s.

I’m not talking about angry, territorial ghosts. They’re simply annoying.  Either get away from them or imagine yourself far larger than they are, and tell them to back off.

I’m concerned about dangerous and malicious entities. Whatever those are, they’re not part of ghost research.  So, due to the increasing number of reports like this, I’ve established new rules and recommendations for working in this field.

If you’re going to work as a psychic in a haunted setting, make sure you’re not alone.  Make sure a team member checks on  you, regularly.  And, if things make sure someone is watching you — not taking photos or using an EMF meter or ghost-related app — to be sure you’re safe.

Photo credit: Michal Zacharzewski, Poland

Helping Spirits – My Advice

In the past, I’ve talked about time limits for helping ghosts during routine investigations.

Of course, someone has to help spirits if they’re ready to be helped.

I don’t mean to discourage anyone from helping… if they can.

Here’s the problem: Many ghosts seem to be  lingering for reasons that aren’t especially healthy.  They want to turn back the clock and relive their lives.  They want sympathy, or at least attention for their own poor decisions.

Giving them attention only compounds the problem. I don’t think it helps them.

I’ve related this to working with a toddler.  If all the child wants is attention, you have to be smart about it. You’ll reward good behavior and gently guide the child towards healthier choices.

However, the first step is to understand what’s going on with the spirit.  Rapport must be established, but — unless you’ve trained to safely interact with spirits — it may be safer to set time limits. That’s especially true if the rest of your team is there to investigate and collect data.

Time limits as protection

In my opinion, it’s good to set the time limit ahead of time.  Then, everyone knows what to expect and when to say, “That’s enough.”

Later, the psychic/medium may not be the best person to draw the line.   He or she may need to be reminded that you’d already said you’d stop after 10 or 20 minutes, or whatever the time limit was.

Remember, entities aren’t always what they seem. A malicious entity can put you at risk if — in pursuit of rapport — you drop your guard and allow that entity access to your thoughts.

I don’t want to sound overly dramatic, but this must be said: What may seem like rapport to you, may actually be an attempt to gain control over your mind, your body, or your soul.

That’s why psychics/mediums should never be left alone, and may need assistance from the team.

You’re probably not the first person to try to help the spirit.  Some sites — such as Edinburgh’s vaults or the Myrtles Plantation — have been visited by tens of thousands of people.  Some of them tried to help the ghosts.

If the spirits could be helped at those kinds of sites, surely someone else would have succeeded by now.

Everyone wants to feel unique and gifted. You might like to say, “I succeeded where thousands couldn’t.”

That’s bordering on pride, and it’s one of those “deadly sins” that can lure you into dangerous territory, spiritually and psychically.

Could you be the one to help that spirit?  Maybe.  I suppose it’s worth a try.

Keep your guard up, especially at sites with a reputation for being dangerous.

If you can’t, be sure your team knows when to come to your rescue, and acts quickly.

From the start, know your talents and set clear goals

I’m not sure that anyone can help a spirit that’s determined to remain at a site.   That’s something ghost hunters have debated for over a century.

We can agree that every paranormal investigator has unique talents.

Identify yours.  Put them to good use for the benefit of this field, and set clear goals in those areas.

If your goal is to help spirits find comfort and cross over, focus on that.  Don’t dilute your efforts by trying to be the EVP expert, and the EMF genius, and the person who pre-screens sites and… Well, you get the idea.

Remember that being good at something doesn’t mean it’s your calling.

I’m a good psychic.  So are a lot of people.  (I’m also a fast typist and I bake amazing chocolate chip cookies.)

However, what I do uniquely is:  I find unreported and under-reported haunted sites, and I explore innovative research techniques.

Those are my most unusual gifts.  That’s where my attention is, now.

Know where you shine, and focus on that.  If you’re called to help ghosts, one-on-one, that’s wonderful.

However, if it’s not, don’t feel guilty.  Each of us has something to contribute to this field.  Discover what it is, and share it with the paranormal community.

Can a Ghost Read Your Mind?

Can a ghost read your mind?  That’s what Maddy from Santa Monica asked me, today.

That’s not a simple question to answer.  It depends on the context.

Here’s my 2023 video answering this question:


Here’s my opinion about whether ghosts can read your mind.

First, we’re not sure what ghostly phenomena are.  Are they all spirits of the dead… really?  I’m not convinced of that.  The more I work in this field (over 30 years), the more certain I am that some (not all) of what we’re encountering aren’t “dead people.”

That includes such a wide range of possibilities, it all depends on what’s real for you:  Pranks by humans (people who are alive), angels, demons, aliens, faeries, the person’s imagination, or… well, I’m sure there are another dozen or more explanations that could work equally well, depending on your beliefs.

My personal view: I believe that at least 50% of what I encounter in the field is actually someone alive and well and living in his or her own time stream.

In some cases, that time stream is our past.  And, I think that moments of intense emotion convey across the barrier between our worlds.

I also believe that some ghostly phenomena are caused by other paranormal entities… things outside our current definition of “normal,” but they may turn out to be not-so-weird, after all.

However, I don’t expect most people to agree with me.

For many ghost hunters, 100% of what they encounter will be spirits of the dead.

But, let’s consider the possibility that ghostly phenomena aren’t always caused by people who’ve died. And yes, some of them may be dangerous.

Demons and malicious entities

It’s well documented that demonic entities may have the ability to read the victim’s mind.

They may also read the minds of almost everyone who attempts to remove, banish, or exorcise the demon.

I wouldn’t rule out deliberate, mind control techniques by other malicious entities.  Though reports of that kind of problem are extremely rare, each ghost hunter should be aware of this.

This is important: If  – even before the investigation – you feel like something malicious is trying to connect with you, stay at home. Also, alert others who are going ahead with the investigation.

By contrast, many people who communicate with angels (and other benevolent entities) will assure you that angels are given many spiritual gifts. They may know your own thoughts and wishes better than you do.   Of course, that’s more empathic than mind-reading.

Some other entities, including faeries and aliens… well, it’s anyone’s guess if they can use their ability to use telepathy as a one-way or two-way communication stream.

For many ghosts, “It’s all about me”

So, let’s get back to the subject of ghosts.  The next thing to consider is the question: Why do people haunt?

If we assume that they’re stuck here for some reason, those reasons become important to them… and to us.

  • Maybe the person refuses to believe he or she has died.
  • Perhaps the person recognizes the death, but has unrealistic expectations about what’s supposed to happen next.
  • The ghost may have unfinished business or a story to tell, before letting go of this existence.

In almost every possible scenario like that, the ghost’s attention is on him- or herself.  From the ghost’s perspective, why would the ghost want to read your mind… even if that were possible?

So, if a spirit that’s haunting for the usual reasons, mind reading is unlikely.

Guardian angels, spirits and rapport

The second most likely situation is where a family member, friend, or other benevolent and caring spirit is visiting from the other side.  That’s a lot like an angel.

He or she is interested in you.  That’s the opposite of a ghost with a personal agenda.

It seems reasonable that a guardian spirit would have empathic gifts, at the very least.

So, the spirit may care deeply about you, and want to know how you’re doing.

Perhaps he, she, or they are looking for ways to help you.  In that case, I think mind reading is a possibility.

So, the answer is mixed.

Remember, this is all speculation.  If you start with the idea that ghosts are real and most spirits you encounter will be from “the other side,” you can use logic to decide whether or not a ghost might want to read your mind.

Is it a ghost with a very personal agenda – something he or she needs help with, urgently? In that case, the ghost is less likely to care what you’re thinking.  He or she is focused on getting help.

Mind reading is unlikely in that situation.

So, to answer Maddy’s question: Yes, a ghost probably can read your mind, but most won’t. They’re focused on their own interests.

On the other hand, if it’s a spirit visiting from the other side, checking to be sure you’re okay, an empathic connection (aka, mind reading) is not only possible but likely.