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Houston, Texas’ Washington Avenue cemeteries are a series of cemeteries, varying in age, on nearby and adjoining properties. Some have a more “haunted” reputation than others.
Glenwood Cemetery is sixty acres of lovely rolling hills and beautiful monuments, including an authentic Tiffany window in one mausoleum.
The cemetery was established in 1871, and is the home of notable graves including Howard Hughes’.
The cemetery caretaker of adjoining Washington Cemetery (formerly Deutsche Gesellschaft von Houston cemetery) was murdered in 1977, and this remains an unsolved mystery.
On our first visit to Glenwood Cemetery in 2003, we found a grave with EMF anomalies right away: The Wettermark plot (photo above), which is a memorial to two children who died in Sweden, and their American mother.
The EMF registered as a 30+ degree compass swing, just to the right of the entrance to the family plot.
Our photos showed no orbs or anomalies, but we were there in bright sunlight at about 4:30 p.m.; the cemetery closes at 5 p.m. It is gated, and — due to laws and the neighborhood — not recommended for ghost hunting at night. You should not visit this cemetery alone during the daytime, either.
And, watch for fire ants when you’re visiting this and other Texas cemeteries. Wear sneakers, not sandals. (We speak from experience. It was easy to tell that we’re not locals.)
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